Friday 18 December 2015

Neville Has Been Putting Nice Kids On The Naughty List...

A message to Santa from his two loyal elves, Derek Droopy-Ears and Elvis Curly-Toes...

Naughty Neville has been putting
nice kids on the naughty list!
Hi Santa!

This is a photo we managed to sneakily take of Neville's 'naughty list'.  As you can see, some of the kids on the naughty list have actually been really good, and there's no reason for Neville to put them on the naughty list.  He's just being nasty!

Admittedly, one or two of the kids have been quite naughty - for example, Thomas Jenkins dived and rolled around on the floor during a game of football and pretended to be injured to try and get Danny Johnson sent off, so admittedly he does deserve to go on the naughty list - but most of the kids on the naughty list have been really good this year.

Honestly Santa, you wouldn't believe some of the trivial reasons that Neville has been putting kids on the naughty list for!

Anyway, we've uploaded the photo for evidence, and as you can see, most of the kids on the naughty list are actually quite nice!

So wherever you are Santa, please come back to the toy factory straight away!  It's urgent!  You need to put everything back to normal again before Neville ruins Christmas for everyone!

Please hurry!

Derek Droopy-Ears and Elvis Curly-Toes.

Legal Notice

Please note, the photo of the naughty list portrayed above as written by Neville the Naughty Elf should not be taken as an accurate representation of the actual naughty list.  Any names used are entirely fictional and any kids who coincidentally share such names may rest assured that if they have been good this year they will remain on the nice list.

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